Our little peanut...

One last sled ride with Daddy. Kylynn really enjoyed her sled rides and loved going up the front snow bank that Jason made by plowing the driveway.

"Hold her." These are some popular words around our house right now. Kylynn loves her baby sister and loves to hold her. This time she actually held her for quite awhile and I was able to get some cute pictures.

Tummy time. We finally are doing some tummy time now that Addisyn is off the bili blanket. Kylynn thought this was pretty fun. Addisyn has quite a neck on her. She actually had her first roll over today, Sunday. Jason said we can count it because she put her arms down and pushed herself over, it wasn't gravity helping her out. One strong little girl she is.
We have had a lot of fun with the two. I can't wait to watch Addisyn continue to grow and Kylynn be able to interact with her more.