At 5:00 this morning I received the great news we were closed for a snow day. Kylynn and I slept till just about 9 a.m. It was wonderful. She also took two two hour naps, heavenly for me. I didn't get anything done today but that is okay. We got her new bedroom painted this weekend and her bed is all set to go, minus the bed rail. We put her in on Monday night and I do believe she would have stayed there but I didn't want her to without the bed rail. We need to get her a night light and move her clock and she'll be all set. There is still more to do as far as decorating but that will come. 

I have an ultra sound on February 20 to see how big baby girl #2 is and then we'll know if I will be induced or what the plan is. So we are getting ready for that date so that I will be mentally prepared. The last few weeks have been a little more painful for me. I don't know if it is because she is so heavy or sitting so low. I got a maternity belt from a coworker that I will be using tomorrow when I go back to school, if there isn't another snow day. That should help take some of the weight off.

Other exciting things happening around here, Kylynn is loving to eat with her silverware and sitting at her new table playing her puzzles. My cousins gave us their daughter's old table and Kylynn absolutely loves sitting at it. We were able to visit Trisha, Trevor, and Lauren a few weekends ago. I have attached some pictures of our recent visit and her bedroom.