Kylynn is getting 6 teeth right now. She has been getting up every night at least once, last night she was up for 45 minutes. I finally got some orajel on her and I think that helped. She is getting 4 eye teeth and the last of her 12 month molars. Her nose is snotty and she has been very tired. She took a two hour nap when we got home from church. Jason is sleeping right now while she watches Elmo and terrorizes me on the computer. Hopefully she'll take another nap soon so I can try to get a Sunday afternoon nap in. Elmo is the love of her life right now. She sees Elmo on her diaper and Elmo on her camera. Uncle Brandon got her an Elmo movie so we watch taht once in awhile. She is 18 months old today and the vocabulary is taking off. I don't know what I was so worried about because she is non stop talking now. It is fun to watch her change and learn new words. Here's a picture from Christmas. I have to download the rest yet, so they will be added sometime this week. Have a Happy New Year!